Essay #3 Men don’t Understand the simple Principles of running a Successful Marriage: Why?
Note: RCK wrote this for his oldest grandson, who will be married, August 2008.
June 7, 2008
Palm Springs, California
Dear Matt:
We received your wedding invitation today. Congratulations. I did not have a chance to get acquainted with your fiancée, Sarah, but I had the impression she is a nice person. There is nothing as fine as a really nice girl or as bad as a really bad one. But I know you have had some experience along those lines. Fortunately most young girls and women are of the nice variety.
When you are lucky enough to become associated with one of these gentle companions, your life will become so much better you will be astonished. The love of a good woman is the best gift you can have this side of heaven.
Just remember it is a two-way street. You must love her if you expect her to love you. We men often start taking our gentle companions for granted and we become negligent.
To keep love fresh there are certain things you must not forget to do:
1. Tell her at least once a day you love her. Don’t assume she knows this. She needs to hear it from you.
2. On special occasions when she has taken special pains with her appearance tell her she looks beautiful. No matter how often she tells you she wants to be appreciated for her intelligence, she still needs to know that you think she’s beautiful.
3. Sure you will have disagreements and spats but you need to tell her you’re sorry, FIRST! Never go to bed mad, just ask her to forgive you, whether you are right or wrong. You’ll probably be wrong most of the time anyway. There’s often a nice reward when you tell her you were wrong.
4. NEVER hit your wife, curse your wife, or be mean to your wife. If you are nice to her she will love you forever.
5. Remember, after you gain your gentle companion’s love, it is amazing what she will tolerate. All men will sometime or other act like a stupid jerk. It’s a given.
6. A loving wife will forgive you, a loving wife will always take your side, and a loving wife will bless you with children. She will take care of you when you’re sick, old, disabled, under any and all circumstances.
7. All women have little quirks that men don’t understand. Smile. Learn to put up with them.
8. What women expect from husbands: a. Protection. There are lots of bad guys out there who like to hurt women. You must be strong and brave even if you aren’t. b. Do the heavy lifting and reach things in high places. c. The garage, keep it and the car clean. Keep the car in good running order and gassed up. d. Learn to do small repairs.
9. Remember special days. Her birthday. If she says don’t bother to get me anything, this is a test. Your anniversary. Another test. She will not remind you when it is. Do not fail either of these tests.
10. Keep your family healthy, happy, fed, clothed and sheltered.
11. Make a good enough living to provide for the needs of your wife and children. It is your responsibility even if you have to work 7/24.
12. Spend time with your wife and children. They come first. Don’t neglect them to play golf with your buddies.
13. Your children are not just your wife’s responsibility, they are yours as well. They need to be taught good manners, good character, to be truthful, honest, and law abiding.
14. Plan ahead to give them a chance for a good education. Strive to make your children better than you are in every aspect of their lives.
15. Be faithful to your marriage vows.
Beyond this point there may be some differences of opinion as to how these suggestions might be accomplished. I personally believe that the old ways are the best because they are tried, tested and true.
I believe the best approach is to be faithful to God. Be a good Christian and everything will come up roses for you and your family. If Jesus loves you everything good will come your way. If God is with you who can be against you? The Holy Spirit will bless you and yours.
I am writing this letter because I didn’t have the opportunity to impact your life when you were growing up. I am telling you the wisdom I have gleaned from many years of living. God bless you and Sarah and may you have a wonderful life together.
Grandpa Robert Kittrell
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
The Why Series, Essay 2
Robert Kittrell
A Large Number of Women are Unhappy; Why?
Essay #2
Women are more intelligent than men so why aren’t they happier than men?
To make it simple for men who read this I will explain it in automobile terms.
Women are the luxury cars and run on higher octane. They are soft, well-built, and give a nice ride.
Men are the cheaper stick shift models. They run on lower cheaper octane. They take rougher handling but don’t seem to mind, some prefer it.
In simple human terms women are more complicated and require more care, more maintenance, and better treatment. They are concerned about things men never think about.
Men being less complicated, have fewer worries, fewer fears, they wonder why women are concerned about picky little things that don’t matter.
What we want to establish here is that men and women are different. Several years ago a weird women’s group decided men and women were exactly alike. The term they fondly repeated was unisex. Women seemed okay with the term but men were puzzled. A few years later much to the relief of men, Time magazine published an article that explained men and women were actually quite a bit different.
What caused this silly speculation was a little pill. Do women realize what they have given up for a tiny birth control pill? What about respect? Honor? Morality? Decency? Why do you suppose so many young women are attacked, raped, and/or killed? Could it be because most boys are no longer taught to respect girls and women? The sex drive in men is very strong and when there are no restraints on it evil things can happen.
Women prior to the sixties were considered precious by men. They were after all:
1 Keepers of the home and hearth
2. Had the world’s most important job
3. The torch-bearers of civilization
4. The source of health, happiness, contentment, and the meaning of life
5. The family standard bearer
6. The teacher of manners , morals and respect to their children.
So why have all the loving, loyal, protecting men who thought their purpose in life was to serve as husbands devoted to their wives and family, disappeared? What has become of the notion that a man and a woman joined together in matrimony could experience a lifetime of happiness?
So who convinced women they were better off without these old fashion ideas and that they could better themselves by being more like men and working for the things men found important? Men don’t pay much attention to sexual immorality and with the pill negating the fear of pregnancy women didn’t have to either. Whoopee, let’s all enjoy intercourse as often as we want to and with whomever we want to.
After this return to the animal kingdom there arose a group of men who figured they had the right to take any woman they fancied any time whether the female consented to it or not. If the woman complained she could easily be killed. If you need to be reminded how many perversions and depraved acts this developed into just read your local newspaper.
The internet has developed its own world-wide cult of pornography. Girls as young as 9 or 10 have discovered they can make money by exposing themselves and asking for a donation. One wonders what kind of people their parents are.
I suppose a lot of people are content with the way things are but I know there is a large group who are not. Even men who thought this free and easy sex was great at first are now having second thoughts. As they begin to enter their late twenties and the thirties they wonder if they can find a decent woman who is interested in being a wife and mother. I have the notion they don’t know where to look. It is interesting to see how many young women in their teens have observed women in the lifestyle of the twenty-thirty somethings age group who don’t seem to be as ecstatically happy as they imagined they would be. These young ones are pretty smart. They have observed that many of these women are unhappy and they don’t feel fulfilled. Something is missing. It is strange that often older women in their fifties and sixties seem happier than the younger women. How does that work?
People, especially women are faced with an awful state of affairs in this brave new world. How strange, as things gets better, life gets worst. When a vacuum is created in nature it tends to be filled. When a spiritual vacuum occurs in a human being that tendency of nature may be the same. When Moses failed to fill the spiritual needs of his people, they substituted a golden calf. Do people today with spiritual needs have a tendency to fill it with phony idols as well? Money? Clothes? Celebrities? Small animals? Sports? TV? Obsessions often become a god substitute, cars, guns, shoes, jewels. Is there anything on the planet that can’t become an obsession? It you are filling your spiritual void with one of these substitutes you are vying for the pinhead of the year trophy.
I know not what other religions may offer but I do know that for most folks Christianity is one of the best for those seeking spiritual meaning for their lives, especially women. It is a good fit for republics and democracies. It is an equal opportunity religion in that young and old, male and female, race and nationality are equally served.
I have observed that lots of young women are drawn to the best of the charismatic churches and congregations where the services are modern upbeat and enthusiastic. These churches are generating the kind of excitement that is appealing to young people. I believe that the future of the church and Christianity is in the capable hands of these young innovators. So, my dear ladies, I suggest that this is the church for you. This is your chance to be the leaders. This is your opportunity to gain back the respect and honor that your mothers squandered. This is the time to again pick up the torch of civilization and to lead your generation out of the darkness. Think of it! To once again to be on a pedestal, to be the dominate force. If you take up this challenge the young men will flock to your banner! You will be able to mould them and shape them into the kind of men you want to be your loyal husbands, perfect fathers for your children, ready to love you and cherish you the way you deserve.
Doesn’t that sound like something that might interest you?
Robert Kittrell
A Large Number of Women are Unhappy; Why?
Essay #2
Women are more intelligent than men so why aren’t they happier than men?
To make it simple for men who read this I will explain it in automobile terms.
Women are the luxury cars and run on higher octane. They are soft, well-built, and give a nice ride.
Men are the cheaper stick shift models. They run on lower cheaper octane. They take rougher handling but don’t seem to mind, some prefer it.
In simple human terms women are more complicated and require more care, more maintenance, and better treatment. They are concerned about things men never think about.
Men being less complicated, have fewer worries, fewer fears, they wonder why women are concerned about picky little things that don’t matter.
What we want to establish here is that men and women are different. Several years ago a weird women’s group decided men and women were exactly alike. The term they fondly repeated was unisex. Women seemed okay with the term but men were puzzled. A few years later much to the relief of men, Time magazine published an article that explained men and women were actually quite a bit different.
What caused this silly speculation was a little pill. Do women realize what they have given up for a tiny birth control pill? What about respect? Honor? Morality? Decency? Why do you suppose so many young women are attacked, raped, and/or killed? Could it be because most boys are no longer taught to respect girls and women? The sex drive in men is very strong and when there are no restraints on it evil things can happen.
Women prior to the sixties were considered precious by men. They were after all:
1 Keepers of the home and hearth
2. Had the world’s most important job
3. The torch-bearers of civilization
4. The source of health, happiness, contentment, and the meaning of life
5. The family standard bearer
6. The teacher of manners , morals and respect to their children.
So why have all the loving, loyal, protecting men who thought their purpose in life was to serve as husbands devoted to their wives and family, disappeared? What has become of the notion that a man and a woman joined together in matrimony could experience a lifetime of happiness?
So who convinced women they were better off without these old fashion ideas and that they could better themselves by being more like men and working for the things men found important? Men don’t pay much attention to sexual immorality and with the pill negating the fear of pregnancy women didn’t have to either. Whoopee, let’s all enjoy intercourse as often as we want to and with whomever we want to.
After this return to the animal kingdom there arose a group of men who figured they had the right to take any woman they fancied any time whether the female consented to it or not. If the woman complained she could easily be killed. If you need to be reminded how many perversions and depraved acts this developed into just read your local newspaper.
The internet has developed its own world-wide cult of pornography. Girls as young as 9 or 10 have discovered they can make money by exposing themselves and asking for a donation. One wonders what kind of people their parents are.
I suppose a lot of people are content with the way things are but I know there is a large group who are not. Even men who thought this free and easy sex was great at first are now having second thoughts. As they begin to enter their late twenties and the thirties they wonder if they can find a decent woman who is interested in being a wife and mother. I have the notion they don’t know where to look. It is interesting to see how many young women in their teens have observed women in the lifestyle of the twenty-thirty somethings age group who don’t seem to be as ecstatically happy as they imagined they would be. These young ones are pretty smart. They have observed that many of these women are unhappy and they don’t feel fulfilled. Something is missing. It is strange that often older women in their fifties and sixties seem happier than the younger women. How does that work?
People, especially women are faced with an awful state of affairs in this brave new world. How strange, as things gets better, life gets worst. When a vacuum is created in nature it tends to be filled. When a spiritual vacuum occurs in a human being that tendency of nature may be the same. When Moses failed to fill the spiritual needs of his people, they substituted a golden calf. Do people today with spiritual needs have a tendency to fill it with phony idols as well? Money? Clothes? Celebrities? Small animals? Sports? TV? Obsessions often become a god substitute, cars, guns, shoes, jewels. Is there anything on the planet that can’t become an obsession? It you are filling your spiritual void with one of these substitutes you are vying for the pinhead of the year trophy.
I know not what other religions may offer but I do know that for most folks Christianity is one of the best for those seeking spiritual meaning for their lives, especially women. It is a good fit for republics and democracies. It is an equal opportunity religion in that young and old, male and female, race and nationality are equally served.
I have observed that lots of young women are drawn to the best of the charismatic churches and congregations where the services are modern upbeat and enthusiastic. These churches are generating the kind of excitement that is appealing to young people. I believe that the future of the church and Christianity is in the capable hands of these young innovators. So, my dear ladies, I suggest that this is the church for you. This is your chance to be the leaders. This is your opportunity to gain back the respect and honor that your mothers squandered. This is the time to again pick up the torch of civilization and to lead your generation out of the darkness. Think of it! To once again to be on a pedestal, to be the dominate force. If you take up this challenge the young men will flock to your banner! You will be able to mould them and shape them into the kind of men you want to be your loyal husbands, perfect fathers for your children, ready to love you and cherish you the way you deserve.
Doesn’t that sound like something that might interest you?
Friday, June 13, 2008
Robert Kittrell
A Nation Divided; Why?
Essay #1
Not since the Civil War has this nation been so divided. It is puzzling but there’s a fairly cogent explanation. Basically the difference is between the two schools of thought, one old the other new.
` The Founding Fathers were reading about a new form of government, democracy and republicanism. It was a shocking concept that a nation could be ruled by a consortium of men rather than a king and his nobility. The idea was not exactly new but the French philosophers of the time gave it a polishing and updating. Some small places like Switzerland were in the process of trying it. The original thirteen colonies in North America from their start in 1607 to about 1770 had increased considerably in the size of its population. Divided from the mother country by an ocean, each colony had its own government presided over by a royal governor selected by the King or the English parliament.
At first, the English parliament was established as an advisory body of noblemen to the king. But when the Elector of Hanover was selected to be the new King, George I, he didn’t even speak English. Neither did George II. The English Parliament assumed more and more of the governing duties formerly in the hands of the king. By the time George III assumed the throne, the English Parliament controlled a major role, ruling England. So all of these circumstances converged on the place and time of theses colonists who felt that Parliament was not treating them fairly.
After 170 years the colonies had developed the attitude they didn’t need the King or the Parliament. When a list of grievances compiled by the colonies was ignored the colonists decided to rebel. They thought that the English government would quickly comply and things would return to normal. But they reckoned without the pride of the British Empire. They defied the might of the strongest nation with the biggest army and navy in the world, they needed to be taught a lesson. Somehow these puny little colonies managed to get France, a major European nation, who didn’t like the British much anyway to help with the rebellion. You know the result. The colonists won the war and set in motion a nation destined to become the greatest and strongest the world had ever known.
The founding fathers and most of the population believed in absolutes based on the teachings of the Christian Bible. What is an absolute? It is the belief that there are certain truths and standards of behavior that regulate human behavior that never change. Customs and cultures may change but people don’t change. People are the same now as they were 2000 years ago and will be the same two thousand years hence.
So what happened that brought into question the beliefs in absolutes? Science. This school of thought started way back in the days when philosophers were trying to turn lead into gold. Slowly, over the centuries, the creepy little study of natural philosophy grew and branched and branched again. Natural philosophy has mutated into science which has now become a vast array with many subjects, levels and sub parts. It has been many centuries since any person claimed to know all knowledge. Science has contributed more to explaining the universe, to adding to knowledge and to man’s comfort, and making food and water safe to eat and drink. The science list of contributions to human well-being is extremely long. What is the difference between traditional thought and scientific thought?
Relativity. It is the belief that everything in the universe is relative. What is a long marriage in the mind of a Kansas wheat farmer is different from that of a Hollywood actress.
Since 1900 the scientific method or school of thought has attempted to formulated itself into a formulized form known as secular humanism. Secular humanism tries to be a philosophical expression of scientific belief. It is difficult to define. Perhaps it is easier to say what it isn’t. It does not believe in absolutes. It believes that all things are relative. To the five year old boy his mother’s new hat is beautiful. To his father it may look slightly ridiculous. The nature and experience of the observer determines the truth of the matter. When we speak of secular humanism we are not talking about a body of well-defined principles, we are mainly talking about a loose collection of disbelieves.
There have been several attempts to combine science with religion. Christian Science and Scientology, to name a couple. Neither have a very large following. Some scientific types and academic types have been able to comfortably keep a foot in both camps
In Europe most people seem to follow the science school of thought,. The United States has a large followings in both camps plus another large group who basically follow neither camp. Interestingly enough the majority of U.S. people profess a belief in God.
To put the division in the simplest terms possible, The traditionalists are mostly conservative, church attending, folks who believe we should adher strictly to our Constitution. The Secular Humanists are liberal folks who are ardent environmentalists, conservationists who see the war as wasteful and unproductive. The traditionalists are usually Republicans, the Secular Humanists are usually Democrats. There are a large group of people who are mostly confused.
Robert Kittrell
A Nation Divided; Why?
Essay #1
Not since the Civil War has this nation been so divided. It is puzzling but there’s a fairly cogent explanation. Basically the difference is between the two schools of thought, one old the other new.
` The Founding Fathers were reading about a new form of government, democracy and republicanism. It was a shocking concept that a nation could be ruled by a consortium of men rather than a king and his nobility. The idea was not exactly new but the French philosophers of the time gave it a polishing and updating. Some small places like Switzerland were in the process of trying it. The original thirteen colonies in North America from their start in 1607 to about 1770 had increased considerably in the size of its population. Divided from the mother country by an ocean, each colony had its own government presided over by a royal governor selected by the King or the English parliament.
At first, the English parliament was established as an advisory body of noblemen to the king. But when the Elector of Hanover was selected to be the new King, George I, he didn’t even speak English. Neither did George II. The English Parliament assumed more and more of the governing duties formerly in the hands of the king. By the time George III assumed the throne, the English Parliament controlled a major role, ruling England. So all of these circumstances converged on the place and time of theses colonists who felt that Parliament was not treating them fairly.
After 170 years the colonies had developed the attitude they didn’t need the King or the Parliament. When a list of grievances compiled by the colonies was ignored the colonists decided to rebel. They thought that the English government would quickly comply and things would return to normal. But they reckoned without the pride of the British Empire. They defied the might of the strongest nation with the biggest army and navy in the world, they needed to be taught a lesson. Somehow these puny little colonies managed to get France, a major European nation, who didn’t like the British much anyway to help with the rebellion. You know the result. The colonists won the war and set in motion a nation destined to become the greatest and strongest the world had ever known.
The founding fathers and most of the population believed in absolutes based on the teachings of the Christian Bible. What is an absolute? It is the belief that there are certain truths and standards of behavior that regulate human behavior that never change. Customs and cultures may change but people don’t change. People are the same now as they were 2000 years ago and will be the same two thousand years hence.
So what happened that brought into question the beliefs in absolutes? Science. This school of thought started way back in the days when philosophers were trying to turn lead into gold. Slowly, over the centuries, the creepy little study of natural philosophy grew and branched and branched again. Natural philosophy has mutated into science which has now become a vast array with many subjects, levels and sub parts. It has been many centuries since any person claimed to know all knowledge. Science has contributed more to explaining the universe, to adding to knowledge and to man’s comfort, and making food and water safe to eat and drink. The science list of contributions to human well-being is extremely long. What is the difference between traditional thought and scientific thought?
Relativity. It is the belief that everything in the universe is relative. What is a long marriage in the mind of a Kansas wheat farmer is different from that of a Hollywood actress.
Since 1900 the scientific method or school of thought has attempted to formulated itself into a formulized form known as secular humanism. Secular humanism tries to be a philosophical expression of scientific belief. It is difficult to define. Perhaps it is easier to say what it isn’t. It does not believe in absolutes. It believes that all things are relative. To the five year old boy his mother’s new hat is beautiful. To his father it may look slightly ridiculous. The nature and experience of the observer determines the truth of the matter. When we speak of secular humanism we are not talking about a body of well-defined principles, we are mainly talking about a loose collection of disbelieves.
There have been several attempts to combine science with religion. Christian Science and Scientology, to name a couple. Neither have a very large following. Some scientific types and academic types have been able to comfortably keep a foot in both camps
In Europe most people seem to follow the science school of thought,. The United States has a large followings in both camps plus another large group who basically follow neither camp. Interestingly enough the majority of U.S. people profess a belief in God.
To put the division in the simplest terms possible, The traditionalists are mostly conservative, church attending, folks who believe we should adher strictly to our Constitution. The Secular Humanists are liberal folks who are ardent environmentalists, conservationists who see the war as wasteful and unproductive. The traditionalists are usually Republicans, the Secular Humanists are usually Democrats. There are a large group of people who are mostly confused.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
I have changed my mind.
Dear Friends: I have decided not to write Junee Mooney right away. I have some essays (Why series) I want to post first. Essay #1 A Nation Divided; Why?...Essay #2 Women are Unhappy; Why?...Essay #3 Men Don't Know How to Run a Sucessful Marriage; Why? and more. I will keep Mystery Moon posted for a few more days and then I will archive it. This week i will set up a PO Box number. If you want a copy of my short story, Mystery Moon by Robert Kittrell send two dollars and I will send you a copy on plain paper 8 1/2 x 11, When I return to writing short stories I will eventually publish a collection bound in the traditional form. I have finished my first non-fiction book, True Stories at Papa's Knee, bio and stuff my grandfarther told me, is finished, kind of in novella form. See ya later...RCK
Monday, June 2, 2008
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